February 14, 2003

Today and Life

Hello Journal

I am here once more to spout nonsense and bullshit about love and life that I hardly know if I mean anymore. Today he gave me back my doll. I meant for him to keep it. I feel like he is erasing me from his life. I need to erase him. I can't though. I don't want to give up "us." I enjoyed the time that I spent with him, and I want to remember it, not wash it away. I realize that he was "for" me, but not "for" me to have for a long time. It taught me a lot being with him. Taught me that I deserved more from a man than I had expected. Meaning more respect, and more consideration, and better qualities. He had a lot of good qualities...that I would like to find in someone else again, but with stability and sanity attached. So he has to be stable and sane. Or she has to be stable and sane...or whom ever I love next has to be stable and sane. I won't take anything else. :) Anyways...I wrote a poem about Sylvia Plath. I want to post it, but not quite yet.

Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Until the morrow
I shall wait.
To see you again dear journal
my one love
You will be missed.

Posted by dana at February 14, 2003 01:03 AM
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