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Passing Kindergarden

by nickb on May 21st, 2003

I hate suburbia. Not a dispassionate dislike, I HATE it.

Maybe its not even exactly suburbia I hate, but this new faux-old suburbia that is so prevalent south of Dayton where I now live.

Its like living in a crappy version of Disney World, all facaded and terra-formed and fundamentally fake. There is a tree there because a designer decided there should be a tree there. Fields and fields of the cultivated weed wrap around our houses attempting to beautify and naturalize them, but in actuality they require hoards of chemicals to stay alive to our standards.

We are pretentious self-centered creatures determined to demand that the world we once shared with our fellow creatures bend and contort to service us. If a bear came into our living rooms and started reorganizing it to fit her up coming young, we’d shoot her.

You know maybe nuclear/chemical/biological war would be a good thing. Place this planet back into a virgin state to be reworked, perhaps by creatures who have respect for the planet and sharing.

You see city folk can share. Hordes of them get on public transportation and get to where they’re going. It doesn’t matter if there are people of all different backgrounds and socioeconomic classes crammed in together, they all get along; they passed and continue to pass kindergarden by sharing.

Now, if you tried this with a bunch of suburbanites, all hell would break lose and they’d start WWIII. (or WWIV as we don’t know when or if WWIII has started.)

Cities are true, raw and gritty. There is no facade and people share, plus it doesn’t try to be Disney World.

Hmm.. I wonder if I’ve passed Kindergarden……

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