March 21, 2004

Breaking a Board

Wow, I broke a board with my hand w/o breaking said hand. I couldn't do it last week, but this week I did it on my first try. I was so amazed and happy that I actually screamed. Joe actually heard me while he was in the shower. I'm still amazed that I managed it- I really wasn't sure I could. (which is probably why I couldn't last week.) This is the hardest thing I've done so far in gung fu, and right at the moment I did it, it was so amazingly easy. It felt natural. And then it sank in that I had actually done it, and I shreiked. Kinda embarassing, but still amazingly cool. Everyone was so proud of me. Truely awesome.

Posted by Jenn at March 21, 2004 02:25 AM