October 30, 2005

NaNo Prep

I'm getting more and more excited. It's almost here. It's almost time for the insane writing orgy known as NaNoWriMo. I keep trying to tell myself to take it easy this year and not sweat about hitting the 50K mark- that with 2 kids, the younger of whom is barely a month old, I'm absolutely nuts to even think about it. But the truth is, I know I'm going to do it. I'm going to push to break 50K, and I'm hoping to come in well above there. As far as the latter though, I'll be happy with 50K. Really. I think. Oh hell, who am I trying to kid- I won't be happy until the book's done, whether that's 50K in a month or 100K- but at least I won't be in withdrawl from NaNo-crack.
I've got a ridiculous amount of notes taken for this thing. I've even got a couple of very badly drawn maps. The hardest part of plotting out my novel so far has been not starting to write the damn thing yet. I think Tom's resigned himself to the fact that I'm going to do it, or at least that I'm not going to be sleeping much during the night either way, so I might as well do it. The coffee's laid in (2 kinds of regular for variety, plus my esspresso for when I need a cappuccino to go with my coffee), my outline and notes are ready, and I've read 3 books in as many days to reaffirm what good writing is. Hopefully some of that will make its way in amongst the drivel that will soon be spewing from my keyboard. Here's hoping!

Posted by Jenn at October 30, 2005 03:50 AM