Ah, sweet well-rested bliss. I crashed early last night- as in, I barely made it past 10 (Nick, you can stop laughing. I'll mail you my night owl card- I know I've disgraced it) when I got Emmy to sleep. I fell asleep getting Will to sleep. Tom woke me up when he went to bed, so I did manage to stumble to bed before collapsing again. And then a miracle happened.
Emily slept through the night!
The official definition of that is sleeping 6 hours. My definition of it is heaven. And the other great part is that I slept until she woke up, so I wasn't wondering "OMG, is she OK?" as I rushed to check on her. Ah infancy- the only time you pray daily for the kid to sleep, then panic when they do.
So here I sit, well rested and enjoying my first cup of Christmas Blend of the season. Life is good.
I think we need a ceremonial night owl burning fest.. I won't say anything abut my nightowlishness. (See this isn't me writing a nano novel.) And why do I have to comment on every entry?
Posted by: Nick at November 20, 2005 07:48 PM