December 02, 2005

Coffee- The Vintage of Choice

It's truly sad how many of my thoughts revolve around coffee. As I write this, I'm sitting here drinking my ever-present cup, currently Starbucks Christmas Blend (yum!), and have just finished exploring the website for a new coffee company. (In all fairness, I found the company through an AOL feature on entrepanuers, but Intelligentsia is the only one I was interested in.) I was perusing the various coffees they have, and I was struck by just how many different flavors can be found in a single drink. Obviously, yes there are many different varieties of coffee beans, and different regions, handling, roasting, etc. make for even more types of finished coffee. But what so many people- especially non coffee drinkers, like my husband (I'm still shuddering that he said my Starbucks Kenya smelled like "regular coffee- like Folgers" Blasphemer!) don't realize is that coffee is like wine, with all the nuances and tempermental flavors just waiting to be brought out. Just in a single variety I read today, the flavors included chocolate, caramel, nougat, and crisp honeyed apple. It's no wonder I'm usually perfectly happy to avoid candy and desserts- it's all in the coffee!

Posted by Jenn at December 2, 2005 07:04 AM