I normally agree with the left wing politically, even the far left, but this time I have no clue what these people are screaming about. I read the article about the man shot by the air marshal when he ran off the plane yelling he had a bomb. Now there's plenty of confusion as to whether the guy actually said "bomb"- some passengers say he did, some say he didn't, and then there's the question of where he was when he said it (ie, before or after he ran off the plane). I can understand the concerns people have that an innocent man was killed, and I am sorry for that. I feel for his family, because I know what it's like to lose a loved one during the holidays- hell, it's been 7 years since Dad died, and every Thanksgiving still hurts.
What I cannot understand are the idiots trying to drag race into it. I could just shrug it off- some of these losers didn't even get the guys nationality right, but that's still the kind of stupid shit that starts serious problems. (Just look at the OJ trial if you don't believe me, or the recent rioting in France.) I could understand it more if it were the right wing psychos who were saying it- I'm used to them causing trouble and doing what's generally wrong for everyone but themselves. But it's not.
Wake Up Call!!!!!!!!
1) There are times when race is not an issue- this should be all times, but I digress. In this case, it just looks like people trying to find a soapbox.
2) To the people complaining the air marshals should have known the guy was mentally ill: no, they should not have. For one thing, what's to prevent a terrorist from setting up the same scene? A man running around on and off the plane yelling what sounds like he has a bomb, his wife causing confusion on the plane trying to distract the marshals. And then the man blows up the plane and part of the airport.
Personally, I'd rather see 1 dead man than 103+. I don't blame the air marshals- I think they acted exactly as they should have. If anything, I blame the wife for not keeping her husband on his meds or realizing that he needed help before getting on the plane. Anyone with experience in mental illness meds knows that they are strong shit. If you suddenly go off them, you will have problems.
Well, I'll climb down off my soapbox now. I didn't even mean to get on the thing- must be my shattered world view. I mean, come on! If I can agree with the right wing on anything, what next? Probably the Apocalypse, because right now that seems a lot more likely than world tolerance.
Posted by Jenn at December 9, 2005 06:17 PM