Hi there, this is Jenn, or rather, Jenn's e-journal (you get the idea). If you're reading this thing, you probably know me well enough that you don't need this entry, but just in case, here goes:
I'm a 21 year old female in the Dayton OH area. I have a 15 month old son, a husband, and 4 cats. My interests are many and varied, but to highlight a few, I enjoy reading, writing, American Gung Fu, Laser Quest, anything occult, music, and coffee. Lots of coffee.
I'm currently (more or less) doing Atkins to lose weight, and am quite proud of the 46 lbs I've lost so far. Still have another 60 or so to go, but it's working.
I just got back into my Gung Fu class after about a 2 year maternity/ munchkin break, so I'm still out of practice. Back when I first started up I fell in love with the style and decided I wanted to be the first female black sash in our system. At this point, I don't think that's too feasible, but I know I'll make it to that level and hopefully beyond eventually. Until then, I'm happy just to be learning and practicing again.
I've just really started decorating my house. I keep coming up with "projects" (a term my husband and friends will grow to eventually hate, I'm sure) to redo virtually every room in the house, as well as the garage and yard, but until I win the lottery, they'll have to be done slowly.
I enjoy writing, or at least getting story ideas. I'm a little weak in the "getting the freaking thing written" department (I think I should change my name to procrastination), but I am making a conscious effort to change that.
Given half a chance, I am nocturnal. Given my son and husband, this often means several nights in a row of 3-5 hours sleep until I finally crash and get a full nights sleep. The good thing is that I do my best writing at night, so at least I can pretend to be productive. When I'm not playing Freecell online... oh well.
This is my first holiday season in 5 years away from the hell that is retail customer service/ management. It is also the most fun I've had this time of year since I've been able to drive. Coincidence? I think not.
Well, I think that about sums me up as much as one entry can, at least for anything important. Happy reading!
OK, testing just how elog illiterate I am:
I think this should look like a paragragh... Here's hoping.