- World Rock Paper Scissors Society - No, it isn't a hoax, people play Rock, Paper, Scissors competitively [Nov, 2 2003]
- Brevity is good - Kids are getting headaches from Harry Potter. Geez, write less lady. [Nov, 2 2003]
- Ick - Naked people singing [Nov, 2 2003]
- Sometimes Halloween, is just fun - When will these christian assholes just drop it an acknowledge that halloween has grown beyond any "satanic" influences into something different [Nov, 2 2003]
- Why too much security is a problem - People who want to be absolutely safe from accidental death should go live in Russia or some other highly regulated regime. To paraphrase George Carlin, terrorism is exciting, or at least the possibility of it. If there isn't any chance of dying, then there is no reason to live. [Nov, 2 2003]
- Walmart keeps going :-( - "A local pastor said a prayer." This line caught my eye. Is it just me or is Wal-Mart politically conservative? I like my businesses to be religiously agnostic. I broke down and made a purchase at a Wal-Mart the other day. I still feel dirty. [Nov, 2 2003]
- This would be comicial if it wasn't so serious - The W3C and the whole software industry running to Microsoft's defense. Who would've thought? [Nov, 2 2003]
- The How of the 9/11 Hijackers - An intriguing look into how the 9/11 hijackers methods worked and/or if they were semi-brainwashed. [Nov, 2 2003]
- Stupid - Prisons need to put the security on the proper spot on their balance sheet, not charging families for it, but instead the taxpayers/government who have decided that they should be locked up. [Nov, 2 2003]
- The record labels are being megalomaniacal assholes once again - Can someone tell me how this service is different than a request call in radio show? The record labels need to get out of this being scared shitless over new delivery mechanisms habit. [Nov, 2 2003]
- I want to comment too!!!! - I'm not sure what I think about Dean's comment in and of itself. It was perhaps badly phrased. But what I think is idiotic how all the other candidates groped for something to say about it even if it wasn't actually related to his comment. [Nov, 2 2003]
- Read the last paragraph - People are again focusing on an act and not the person. Bigots. [Nov, 2 2003]
- Crappy spot to put your hand - I've ridden Metro North, I didn't notice the bathrooms. [Nov, 4 2003]
- Hmm is it a trick or treat? - Guess its a trick for me.. [Nov, 4 2003]
- WTF? - Crazy [Nov, 4 2003]
- Open source voting - This is the way to do it. Put everything out in the open and let people look into everything. I mean this is only our democracy, not our email. [Nov, 4 2003]
- Oily Draft? - The Pentagon is getting the draft machine fixed up a bit. Best line of the whole article? Bush has no balls to institute a draft. Wow thats a surprise. [Nov, 4 2003]
- Man gives fish mouth-to-mouth - Umm, don't fish get their O2 from water? [Nov, 4 2003]
- A la carte cable - Why hasn't this happened yet? [Nov, 5 2003]
- Zamboni! - Can someone buy it for me so I can ride it?? Please? Please?? [Nov, 5 2003]
- My computer did it? - Tricky new ethical problems in the world of computers. It is going to be an intriguing fight to watch what happens. [Nov, 5 2003]
- What would gay life look like if we were spiders? - Given that "Some incorporate cannibalism into mating. In some, the females are actually eating the male while he is inserting sperm." This could result in some very strange scenes of two male spiders each eating each other? Or maybe thats something you'd put on your Yahoo! Personal ad. "Like to eat mates after sex." Could make dating even tricker. [Nov, 5 2003]
- An important figure - Someone I once dated (and still miss a little little bit) makes a very important point about Iraq. [Nov, 5 2003]
- Forgotten EU countries - Now can we pull that, and forget about Texas? [Nov, 6 2003]
- Poetical Laws - The governor recall election isn't the only thing strange in California. [Nov, 6 2003]
- Bewildered - I'm so amazingly angered by this story. It shows so many different facets of American pigheadedness and misunderstanding, that even if half of its true I think there is reason to impeach Bush. No there is not one, there are at least 254. Probably more. [Nov, 6 2003]
- Homer Simpson: Bioengineer - Someone actually makes tomacco, the tomato tobacco hybrid from the Simpsons [Nov, 8 2003]
- Queer - When will people get by the words and start worrying about the asshole (or ally) that uses the word? [Nov, 10 2003]
- Steven Johnson on Presidential Thinking - A very good entry on why we've got the problems we do in Iraq. [Nov, 12 2003]
- Internet Protocol Overhaul - Finally I see some talk about what we really need to start thinking about, protocol overhaul [Nov, 14 2003]
- Dear Vampires... - I don't get it... Start dialoguing with vampires? Who's crazy now? [Nov, 16 2003]
- Kiss Me! - The Greek find an interesting way to protest. Kiss me! [Nov, 16 2003]
- Loons in Alabama - I thought we had figured this stuff out about church and state. But Moore is going to get his 49 minutes of fame anyway he can [Nov, 16 2003]
- Tax Refunds Up - Wait a minute, I thought it was illegal to buy votes? [Nov, 16 2003]
- The DMCA says... you can open your garage door - Its amazing what it now takes a court of law to declare.. [Nov, 16 2003]
- Buy Nothing Day - I plan not to shop, but they miss one point. Its easier on the budget! [Nov, 17 2003]
- "Hoarded knowledge just stagnates." - ibiblio finally gets it due on Wired [Nov, 17 2003]
- Jessica Lynch could have been a hooker - Even if she was we still would've praised her. Oh, since when does the military employ marketing professionals? [Nov, 17 2003]
- Pseudo Science - sigh, another reason not to like the Bush administration [Nov, 17 2003]
- Full Screen Quicktime VR - Quite a cool use of a (surprisingly) older technology! [Nov, 17 2003]
- Discussion on OS X - Steven Johnson has an interesting discussion going on about OS X on his weblog [Nov, 18 2003]
- Finally some intelligence in electronic voting - paper [Nov, 20 2003]
- Science Research - The next battleground for Open Source. [Nov, 20 2003]
- Memorials - We're rushing to memorialize everything, but does it mean anything [Nov, 20 2003]
- Dan Savage on Gay Marriage [Nov, 21 2003]
- TiVo article - If they could just figure out how to market the dang thing... [Nov, 21 2003]
- Is he human? - I just cannot resist. Dang lay off the plastic. [Nov, 21 2003]
- Its only spam - Some people need to relax [Nov, 23 2003]
- Singapore: Cleanest Toilets in the World - Aren't you stretching it when you start looking to toilets to boast your country? [Nov, 23 2003]
- Bush gets tough - At least he has a better idea about Israel, push the child to stand on its own and make decisions that it can follow through on without us, even though $290 million is only a drop in the bucket. [Nov, 28 2003]
- Cash Scanning Engines - ATM machines run windows, and get a Worm. HOW??? ATMs should not be connected to the internet in any way shape or form and should be on a private network. [Nov, 28 2003]
- Spam Turkey - At least someone realizes opt-out is not a way to stem spam [Nov, 28 2003]
- Good we can join our pets - RFID for you. But the problem is it still depends on a central database, which can be compromised. [Nov, 28 2003]
- Dean, the candidate I still like - Yes, there is the Civil Unions thing. But honestly I'm attracted to his campaign for other reasons. [Nov, 28 2003]
- 40/40 - Politics in the past 40 years in 40 sentences. Note my witty comment! [Nov, 28 2003]
- GWB needs to learn how to speak - This time he insults Nevada [Nov, 29 2003]
- An Iraqi on the Governing Council puts it best - Check the second to last paragraph. Bush didn't really visit Iraq. [Nov, 29 2003]
- Some people will do anything to save their life - Including changing which sports team they're a fan of [Nov, 29 2003]
- Amazing Response - of a man detained After 9/11 [Nov, 29 2003]
- Hazardous Shopping - Consumerism at its worst. Getting knocked out while shopping. [Nov, 29 2003]
- Treatise on VoIP - Reed Hundt's eloquent and well argued speech on Voice over IP [Nov, 30 2003]