- The Streetcar Crashes Again - and the transitazzi have an insightful bitch fight in the comments... [Apr, 3 2008]
- Seattle's Authoritative Liberalism - I like it. Besides, why do you need to get more and more plastic bags? [Apr, 4 2008]
- I hate to say this - but McCain is right about Iraq. We'll be there for another 100 years or so. (Or at least 25) Might as well make it a state... [Apr, 6 2008]
- The True Cost of Affordable Housing - Suburbia isn't as cheap as you'd like to think.... [Apr, 11 2008]
- Gamers - Who you want in business. Just good luck in getting the leaders who will foster this. [Apr, 14 2008]
- Windows is Collapsing - But it isn't news.. Unfortunately, this is why Gartner analysts get the big bucks, to repackage the obvious. [Apr, 16 2008]
- How Ikea Designs their products - okay, perhaps a bit more detail would be nice, but I still like the overview. [Apr, 20 2008]
- Scary Hikes - Ack, I'd almost maybe could do this.. Until I get to the points the trail isn't there.. [Apr, 25 2008]
- Keep a Library and Gym for Antioch - And well I get mentioned by first name... [Apr, 25 2008]
- Let's start treating the world's 6 billion non-Americans as equals - A great idea about how we all must approach our fellow citizens of the world. [Apr, 25 2008]