Site Masthead: Nick's Place in non-serif white text superimposed over a bright orange high contrast tinted photograph of a brick wall taken in an extreme close up. The brick is photographed with the long continuous lines of grout running vertically. The image is displayed upside-down so the disappearing point for the grout is below the image.

Nick's Place

Nick's Place: Photos in My Collection: My Apartment

Inside Cimmarronland

Desk - My desk in my room at work. All the artwork is mine. Yes the road sign is mine, I meticulously sculpted it with my car. ;-) (yes, I paid Washington Township for the sign's replacement)
Sleeping Location - My bed corner along with my night-stand and chair. Once again all the artwork is mine, with the exception of the pieces hanging above my bed.
Living room - My living room, featuring the famous couch. Its credits include two plays and one movie. My #$*(@ roommate broke it, so I no longer have it. Hopefully it will be able to expand its acting credits.
Modern Art - Reconsider how to arrange everything in your house. Pay attention to the lack of usage of vertical space, here is an artistic way to use it up. (Either that, or its just a sleep deprived creation.)