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by nickb on March 2nd, 2003

I’m broke. Broker than I’ve been in quite a while. The extent of my fiscal liquidity is the change that is upstairs in my change tray. Pathetic? yes I know.

So in the spirt of my underpaid collegeness, I’m accepting donations. Please only donate if you enjoy reading this, if its meaningless or just annoying, don’t feel a need to. While donating doesn’t get you any special services (except maybe a surprise on your credit card statement!) it does make me a bit happier and gives you the satisfaction of helping out a future leader.

So how can you do this you ask?
I accept donations one of two ways:

  1. Via PayPal – they’re snazzy, will accept your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, or even debit your bank account! Plus they’re easy to use!
  2. Via, you can get me something off my Wish List or a Gift Certificate.

If your wanting to donate via another method, drop me a message and I’ll get right back to you.

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