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Monday and Tuesday Roundup

by nickb on January 7th, 2003

I’m sitting here on Shawn’s feet (they’re cold) He’s working on his computer and I’m working on mine. We’re not saying anything to each other and I’m still enjoying it… But time to back up. I picked him up from the airport last night, and I still felt that magic that is between us all night.

We went out to eat dinner at Hops. We walked into the restaurant about 18 minutes before they were scheduled to close, I felt a bit guilty but the waitress was very nice, and even recognized that we were on a date, and offered one check. For most people it doesn’t seem that this would mean a big deal, but I really appreciated it — its just someone being accepting and professionally sensitive.

Boy.. okay what else is there ineresting to say. I did something strange and painful to my back yesterday, still haven’t figured it out — probally because I slipped and fell on the way to class yesterday. Shawn made a point of taking care of my yesterday — he is soo sweet. I honestly would’ve done what he did for me, but I don’t expect it from other people in return — I guess its just a continuing thread of me expecting more from myself than from others…

Lambda seems to be off to a reasonable start, nothing amazing yet.

Classes are going well, and besides that everything is fine.

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