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Marcus: A year, a week, a Day later

by nickb on January 9th, 2003

Marcus is someone who is special to me for a strange reason, that I’m not quite sure why. I met him at the 2001/2002 New Year Party. He was a friend of Amanda Bennett‘s from Cincinnati. I felt a strange connection with him, but I never called him back.

I found myself talking a descent amount about him on the first date with Shawn, and when I got to work on Jan 1 I had a few minutes and I wrote him a letter. I’ve deliberated a week on what to do with this letter. I have decided to set this letter free from myself, out into internet space.

In addition I’ve decided to compost the actual letter and grow a plant or flower out of it. (along with some other items to be composted.) Its symbolic. I need to put this behind me, and move on from it.

Oh FYI: Marcus, was killed in a car accident, I never saw him again.

The Letter:

January 1, 2002

Dear Marcus,

I hope in some way in spirit or energy you can see this letter.

It has been almost exactly a year till since that time we parted in the parking lot of Wendy’s

I’m sorry I never ch called you back and could make the last months of your all too short life memorable. You left a deep impression to on me. I will never once again forget to cherish the time with those around me who love me.

Your memory has driven me to leave nothing unturned, to explore and follow every avenue. The memory of how wonderful you were with me has sent me to Cincinati, and Memphis. And compelled me to spend hours wandering campus enjoying nothing but companionship.

I am eternally grateful for what you have given me and eternally pained for what I ignored and left.

You have taugh given me the gift of realizing how eternally precious each moment that we share with those around us who care about us.

With my deepest love and painful regret,


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