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by nickb on January 15th, 2003

Well thats it. I’m out of eBoard.. The new eBoard lineup as of today:
Jermey Wright, President
Allie Lane, Vice President
Duncan Hines, Treasurer
CeCe Houser, Secretary
Tom Lewis, Office Manager

Note that my name isn’t in it? Fuck. Its amazing how much of my identity is tied in with Lambda Union. And how much I fucking hate Jermey and his fucking smug attitude and his willingness to sleep with just about anyone who will do it. And the fact that he took advantage of [name deleted 3/30/03]. God don’t these people ever realize what type of fucked up crappy leaders they’ve elected to these posts?

I don’t know what I want to do with Lambda Union. I really don’t fucking know. The historian, Safe Space Coordinator, and Panels Director positions are open, and I’m still the webmaster. I really don’t want to be the Lambda Union webmaster. Its turned into a bitch position.. no dreaming no real space to grow in it. Theres no leadership in it.

God I’m just so lost right now. Its amazing how much I put on getting that position.

Jenni and I are going out for coffee tonight to discuss… so…

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