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Presidential Analysis

by nickb on January 15th, 2003

okay this uhh another eJournal entry on the voice cell phone thingy… ummm I’m sitting here rehearsing my speech for Lambda Union tonight upstairs (unintelligable) umm I never realized how much I really wanted this position umm… I’m up against Tony Black, Germaine, and Jeremy. Ummm … Tony you bless the kid he’s got a great heart but he doesn’t realize what he’s getting himself into… ummm he just should run for secretary or an appointed position … ummm Germaine … I don’t know why I don’t feel Germaine [should be President] maybe I’ve got some ableism going in but I don’t know why I don’t feel Germaine should be President … umm shes a great gal and all but some reason I just can’t seem to accept myself umm seeing her as President of Lambda Union… I don’t know if thats ableism or I just don’t see her as the right person. Ummm Jeremy oh god ummm … what a drama queen ummm … (exhale) I don’t know I’m just fustrated with Jeremy and he can go off he doesn’t seem to do much work it me it seems like the Vice-President never does work… Josh never did work last year Jermey never does work. Most of the time he’s in the office he’s either on IM or he’s playing cards there on the computer ehh… I mean you know stuff you know I’m just trying to eat and I’m not doing a very good job on it but ummm I just really want this position and I wantta get out of the way I just wanna I don’t know why I want this position its just strange. mmm gotta get back to eating so thats the end of the journal ….

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