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Attempting not to burn the house down

by nickb on January 17th, 2003

Vegetable Oil Fires are fun! … Hehe.. not really, but a was sautéing portabella mushrooms for dinner tonight with Shawn and a bit of the oil went over the side to the burner and caught fire…. ehh.. shit happens.

The menu for tonight:

Vegetarian Lasagna – with Portabella Mushrooms, Spinach, cheese and all that good stuff…
Salad – Still haven’t figured whats going into it.
Hot Rolls – Kroger brand, I wouldn’t trust myself baking them yet..
Juice – Drinkage… probably would be cool to have some vino, but ehh oh well.

And as always this dinner is a community effort… thanks to Veronica Warner (for the recipe and idea), Dad (for taking me shopping), Lauren (Portabella advice), Señora Kay (General advice), Ali, Tim, and Toyna. If I missed you I’m sorry…. let me know and I’ll edit you in later.. ;-)

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