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by nickb on January 19th, 2003

I’m sort of rewriting an entry because EspressoBlog crashed and lost it.. I already sent an email to the developer and got him what he needed to debug the problem.

I’m at work right now… a bit early because the car is broken down, and my dad had to drop me early.

As far as Lambda Union goes, I’ve figured out a few things:
1. Jeremy Wright is an asshole, and a poor leader. (Not new news)
2. I care and am invested in the organization too much just to get up and walk away, which means I’m going to have to learn to work with Jermey Wright. As much as he is the President, we’re equals, I’ve been involved in the organization longer than he has, and I’ve had a position within the organization longer than he has, so the fact that he is the President is just a fluke of nature.
3. I need to limit my areas of involvement. I’m not going to be able to affect the whole organization in the position that I am in, so I better must make the areas that I’m involved in really damn awesome, and have fun. Already I’ve got a bunch of new ideas to reinvigorate the website and get things going, so it should be cool.

I think the thing that I’m looking forward to is less bullshit. Its gonna be great not to have to deal with minutes and attendance and typing all that up, and getting it on the website… But I gotta get rolling toward the floor at work..

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