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by nickb on January 21st, 2003

Its sad that I feel a need to put this in my eJournal, but some people can get temperamental. So here it is:

Everything that is said in here, are my thoughts (except where noted) and is copyrighted by me, don’t steal it, ask me please! Please be aware that I get philosophical, whimsical, pissy, or sometimes even downright rude in here. These are my opinions, thoughts, and feelings. Oh and I feel justified in calling myself philosophical.. A professor answered the question "Am I any good at this Philosophy stuff?" by saying

"Are you good enough to do philosophy? Well, yes, you have the two most important characteristics, intelligence and a capacity for independent thought. You are remarkably open minded, for someone in your generation. You are willing to reflect on your own views and are open to the possibility that they might be wrong. You are a searcher. These are rare characteristics, and you have them. You are already doing philosophy. It is up to you to determine how far you want to take your investigations."

I’m not sure what this is going to turn into (planning what a journal is going to be is like attempting to decide what a kid is going to grow up to be when he is conceived, its just a futile effort with lots of dreaming, and not much realization.) but under any circumstances, if you show up in here, be honored either way, I care enough about you to be thinking deeply about you.

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