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I hate… errr love politics

by nickb on January 21st, 2003

I spent another great day with Shawn. He came and picked me up from work last night and drove me to his house (an hour a away) I stayed over. Then, I spent the day there and caught up on the news and my homework. After that he took me out to dinner at Don Pablos and drove me back to Dayton for work. Four hours of driving for me! He is soo sweet and kind. I mean I guess I did drive all the way to Memphis to visit Tommy, but this just seems so kind. Things are still looking on the up and up with me and him.

In other news, Why doesn’t everyone in the world think like me? (well it would make the world boring, but probably less stressful.) I just read the wonderful article from the BBC about Bush’s MLK Jr. Day Speech and of course he’s promotion tolerance and civil liberties in front of a Christian cross. What is the President doing making a national speech in a Church? Seriously, I know its a bit of a long shot, but I’m paying him, he should not be conducting the nations business in a house of worship. If he wants to attend church he can do it on his own time, get his ass in the pew.

Maybe I just get pissy because I’m an agnostic and I feel like Bush is pushing religion (to be more specific Christianity) as something to hold the nation together. PLEASE! Religion is the one place in this country where we are the most divided. Go to a church, it will most likely be homogenous — its been researched and people worship with people who are just like them.

I also thought it was funny that MLK Jr’s widow is preaching peace: "We commemorate Martin Luther King as a great champion of peace, who warned us that war is a poor chisel for carving out peaceful tomorrows," Corretta Scott King said, she added "May his challenge and his example guide and inspire us to seek peaceful alternatives to a war with Iraq"

It would be interesting to do something drastic if we do go to war with Iraq, like denounce my citizenship. As strange as it may seem, its the best I can do to separate myself from a government and a nation that seems generally bent on violence. But then again, I’d also be losing my right to elect my leaders, but not that my votes ever count. (yes, I know its a common refrain, but I’m a liberal libertarian in a conservative area of the country, we’re really outvoted as far as things usually go…)

Hmm… time to get some signs made to copy tomorrow to catch myself a roommate, and I should get to sleep, even thought I have 10 hours until class…

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