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Half a second makes a difference

by nickb on January 22nd, 2003

I spent an hour with Kevin today in the editing room with sadboy ohio, the film that I worked on with him at the beginning of August. It rough and very good now, with the polishings it should be awesome.

One of my notes to him was to add half a second to a scene, which through the magic of the AVID digital editing system he was able to do with no trouble, and it was much better for it.

It made me wonder how half second timing in our daily lives would make a difference. I’m sitting in the Hangar, one of WSU’s wonderful (yeah right) eating facilities, where a little over a year ago, I was in a hurry and kicked out the glass in the door. It was spectacular! I didn’t have any responsibility because the cleaning lady handed me a story that absolved me of guilt, and she saw what happened better than me…. But right there a half a second would’ve spared me the embarrassment and the shower of shattered glass.

For better or worse I’m thinking of Run Lola Run a really cool german film. But we get three different versions of how everything plays out. Makes you wonder how the different choices you make in life affect things. Another good piece of art in that espouses how our choices and timing can effect things is Star Trek: The Next Generation "Parallels" where Worf bounces around different parallel universes and things are a bit different.

Ehh, so choices are important, and we never will know what could be, except in our imagination.

Time to go take a marketing test.. yeah!

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