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Greedy SOBs

by nickb on January 27th, 2003

I just read 7 Families Sue Administrator of 9/11 Fund in the New York Times. I find it amazing the amount of greed/desire that people have for something that in realize is a gift. I find it amazing that just because their spouses were killed by a terrorist attack (vs. say a murder) that these people feel they have a right to something that is not theirs, and are demanding more of it. Honestly, the government owe’s these people nothing. They should count their blessings that their spouse did die in the terrorists attacks so they get a shitload of money… Because if they didn’t die in the terrorist attacks, they would have been SOL, only gotten the life insurance policy or what savings was there.

Okay I know a strange rant, but eh, its 3 am.

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