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Its done.

by nickb on January 29th, 2003

Lambda Union has consumed my life the past several days. This honestly is usually the case, but it has been all consuming because I’ve been writing my resignation letter from the Webmaster position.

I finally posted it on the Lambda Union website. All the officers and the advisors will be getting their copies hopefully tomorrow.

I just need to let the letter stand for itself at this point. I should do my best not to be provoked into an argument about what happened, especially in private. If I have an argument I want it to be public with witnesses. I just am so weary of anything in private, bad things happen behind private doors and gossip can be spun however the other person wants.

I’m giving up lots of stuff. But my goal is to focus on myself and my writing, I think thats where my strength lies and what I can do for me.

See the extended entry for the resignation letter itself.

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Dear Lambda Union,

Regretfully, effective Saturday, February 1st, 2003 I must tender my resignation as Lambda Union’s Webmaster. In addition, I must withdrawal my application for the Safe Space Coordinator position.

I have made this decision for my own personal reasons, as well as to spare the organization any infighting. I did this after much thought; philosophizing; and discussions with Lambda Union’s advisors, several executive board members both past and present, and many members.

I have a dream of Lambda Union working together both as a collection of student professionals and a group of friends; I have worked hard during the last two years to make this dream a reality. I have committed my efforts to Lambda Union at the expense of time with my family and friends, academic work, continued professional development, and financial security.

I can no longer continue to invest myself in the unhealthy and unprofessional environment created by Jeremy Wright, the current president. His tenure in Lambda Union has been extremely uncomfortable for me, due to his poor communication skills, and unprofessional actions.

I have had immense problems with how Mr. Wright has provided criticism and feedback on the Lambda Union website, an area which I have maintained as long as he has been a member of the organization. He has on multiple occasions been unprofessional and communicatively unhealthy; he demonstrated this when he criticized my work in public and at executive board meetings while I was not present.

I brought this to Mr. Wright’s attention in a face-to-face meeting around 3:30pm on Thursday, January 24, 2003. He did not deny that he had criticized my work while I was not present. I then asked him to provide in an email by 5pm Friday, January 25, 2003 detailing his criticisms and suggestions for the Lambda Union website.

This email did not arrive.

Mr. Wright has made clear by his rhetoric and lack of a response to my request for an email that he no longer wants me in the organization. Despite this he has never indicated any deficiency or need for improvement in my work when I have spoken with him directly.

Mr. Wright is not the person to lead a group of volunteers. A leader’s core values should be openness, positive encouragement, and a proactive stance. None of these are evident in Mr. Wright’s actions during the time I have worked with him as both Vice President and Office Manager.

He has argued against open Executive Board meetings, despite a constitutional requirement of a partially open meeting; does not often praise the actions and work of others, and often leaves important tasks to the last moment.

In addition, Lambda Union is in a poor position for the upcoming budget request period as a result of Mr. Wright’s negligence. At the December 2002 mid-year training meeting, it was decided that Lambda Union needed to advertise heavily to enhance our visibility. According to the constitution, this is the responsibility of the Vice President, the position Mr. Wright held until recently. No flyers were created, or posted, that provided specific information about Lambda Union’s meetings. In addition, he has not asked for assistance with this task.

Finally, he has not provided any information from the NGLTF conference in Oregon, for which Lambda Union incurred a significant expense sending him to gather information for the organization. Unfortunately, sending Mr. Wright to the NGLFT conference, has wound up as essentially as vacation for him with no return to the organization.

I have done my best to provide constructive criticisms directly to Mr. Wright, and have suggested that he take a few classes to improve his interpersonal communication skills. I have never criticized him in front of a group or embarrassed him publicly, as he has done to me.

Many people have discussed possible voting irregularities, which were in part a result of the suspension of the constitution to elect a President more expediently. I will refrain from providing my interpretation of what happened. I have spoke with Mr. Wright and feel that he must bear on his conscience any unethical actions, if any occurred. It is not my place to judge him.

My wish is not to harm Mr. Wright, but to provide all Lambda Union members my inside view, insight, and constructive criticisms so they can make an informed decision, as to their leaders.

It is with a heavy heart and much sorrow that I resign from my first position with Lambda Union. While I have many dreams, for the organization, I cannot make them take flight in such an unhealthy and unproductive environment.


Nicholas Barnard's Signature

Nicholas Barnard

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