Brain Theories on a strange sheet of paper
Its strange what you start thinking about at Denny’s at 12:40ish AM on Monday morning….
Specifically this:
This is my explanation of how blind and deaf people interpret the world, and thus why deaf people seem less part of mainstream culture than do blind people. (I do not make these judgments lightly or without experience, I work the the deaf, and I have a good bunch of blind friends.)
Let me attempt to explain this in words.
I’ll start with explaining how the brain of person with all senses works in my opinion. The outer shell is visual information, this can be translated into words, or compared with a visual database to get a word out of. Then this is auralized (i.e. converted into audible type thoughts in the head) and then with sounds this goes into the thinking where your thoughts are worked audibly.
Okay a blind person’s brain works much the same way, except that tactile information is compared against a tactile database and then a word is gotten, and then auralized.
Okay a deaf persons brain on the other hand, works like a person with all senses, except that nothing is auralized, and thus thinking is carried out more visually.
This is of course an oversimplification of the matter, but because deaf people do not think audibly like much of the population they are further removed from mainstream society, and as such create their own subset societies…
Okay, I didn’t write that to annoy any deaf or blind people, but this is my best guess… If you disagree, use the comment link below!