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Just Friends Part Two

by nickb on February 5th, 2003

I’ve been on the receiving end of the “Just Friends” line recently, and as such i’ve done a lot of thinking about it.

In and of it self “Just Friends” isn’t a bad thing. Its all in the application.

In the simplest terms the person bringing “Just Friends” to the table, has an obligation to respect the other persons investment in the relationship then go about becoming a friend.

The person who is breaking up has the obligation that if they want to be friends to actually go about becoming friends in a timely manner, this can even mean, assisting them with the break up. Making sure they’re doing alright, and they’re adjusting to single-hood again. I’m not sure what activities would be best but some ideas:

  • Phone calls, just say how you’re doing etc.
  • Go out with a group of friends to reinforce non-dating
  • Both go to a public place and check out guys together — if your really daring, phrase the time as a game of “fuckable” or “not-fuckable” and make sure that your friend doesn’t lower their standards too much
  • Random time together that is less date like, i.e. shopping, group outings, etc…

Okay, not as many good ideas as I would like, but remember if your the person who is breaking up and you use the “Just Friends” line you’ve taken on the obligation of transitioning the relationship to being friends. The person who has been broken up with cannot do this transition because it appears as if they are still wanting to date, and they’re usually not sure what to do.

And finally, if your the one who broke up and you’re not gonna make the commitment to become friends, be honest and just say “I don’t want to go out with you anymore, sorry” because this way your not creating any false hopes.

Thats Nick’s Dating 101, and everyone should be laughing now because I’m horrible at dating, I’ll be the first one to admit it.

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