Alcohol or Coffee?
Should I juggle lots of things | or | focus on one |
Shot Glasses | vs | My big goofy mug |
Alcohol | vs | Coffee… |
Okay… I’ve been choosing alcohol, and getting the predictable depressy results. I guess the thing is while a lotta of times I have been happy carrying lots of shot glasses, it ultimately doesn’t allow me to be happy. Maybe its because when there is a success, it is just a small part of everything, and is balanced by some failures.
Well I guess in some way shot glassing things has been my way of an insurance policy. Insurance doesn’t make a lot of sense unless you have the possibility of huge losses. An insurance company the pays for the losses and the successes don’t cost them anything. But the successes in my world are balanced out pretty h by the losses. Considering I’ve gotten pretty well with dealing with big failures, maybe its time that I cancel my insurance policy and get that big goofy mug. That mug might fit me better… I know the Goofy hat fits me well..