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by nickb on February 11th, 2003

Okay, its just about a week after I made the decision to jettison a bunch of my responsibilities, and start focusing on myself and my things.

While overall I feel better I’ve noticed a few ancillary benefits:

  • Gitty – My demeanor has been so much better, I’ve been much more playful, and much more at ease to laugh at lots of things, and even at myself
  • Sleep – Getting up is easier, and I’m much more refreshed when I awake
  • Awareness – A bit of a strange one, but I’m much more on top of the few things I’ve got, I’m noticing things about myself and making better observations about the world around me, I guess I’m just taking everything slower.

KISS works I guess. (For those of you lacking the management background KISS=Keep It Simple Stupid)

I’ve also gotten on some really old projects. Specifically a six or seven year old one to put more content on my website. I made a small step four years ago on my GLBT Theory and Issues section but that was for a class. I’m still working a little by little on this project, and I’ve also been going about bringing most of the sections of my homepage within the new and current framework. (sigh) Its lots of work, but I think it’ll be worth it.

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