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by nickb on February 13th, 2003

I feel a need to make an entry but I don’t know what to say. So lets restate some basics:

1. I’ve gotta do things for me.
2. Jenni is awesome.
3. William is a very cute baby.
4. Not sure if I’m over Shawn, but I want him back in my life in some form.
5. George W. Bush is a war monger and an idiot.
6. Losing your wallet sucks.
7. Having a counselor is a good thing, even if you don’t know what to say.
8. Procrastination is something that I do a helluva lot of, but should do less of.
9. While nice and dandy writing an eJournal entry instead of working out is still procrastinating on working out.

I need to go work out…

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