Tarot, Canvas, Lemonade
I had my appointment with Jo, my counselor, today. She mentioned something interesting about the Death Tarot Card. I’ve never been into Tarot. (Not that I’ve shied away from it, but I’ve never really been interested in it.)
But now for a quote about the death card:
Dying has a way of making you concentrate on what’s important. This card reminds you to cut out the unnecessary. Death can also mean you will experience an inexorable force. Death is inevitable, and sometimes there are events that are inescapable as well. When these moments occur, the best approach is to ride your fate and see where it takes you.
i.e. Hop on the cow …errr horse and ride away.
Another way of looking at my troubles is that I’ve come definitely to the conclusion that Dayton isn’t the place for me. If I was an overly dramatic queen (okay I have my moments, but not usually) I would be screaming “I CAN’T WORK UNDER THESE CONDITIONS!” But I’m not literally, but I’ve realized that I can’t. I can’t do what I want to do in Dayton. I have a dream and I’ve attempted to paint it on the canvas but the paints that I have been provided just aren’t pliable in the ways I need them to be. So I feel secure in moving on and looking for some other batch of lemons to work with.