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by nickb on February 19th, 2003

Okay, I’ve been thinking a lot about spirituality along with all the other stuff floating in my head. This is the one that is demanding to be written tonight.

The conference seemed like sort of a spiritual type thingy. That place that I think other people call a soul got recharged. I don’t like the word soul because of the religious implications. Maybe inspiration or energy well… That’s a better term.

Okay so the conference recharged my energy and inspiration well. The last time I really remember feeling like this with just going somewhere was when I attended the Unitarian Universalist meetings in Atlanta. It’s been the first time in a long time that I wanted to go to a place of worship.

So I’ve thought about going to the UU meetings on a regular basis, its just Sunday morning has traditionally been reserved as my day to sleep in. I only get one a week, and I’m gonna take this one damnit!

So, now we have the eternal economic debate. Is the opportunity cost (not sleeping in) worth going to the UU meeting.. I think I need to go to find out, because I remember being inspired and filled when I went to the UU meetings in Atlanta.

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