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Interdependence and Interconnectedness

by nickb on February 22nd, 2003

I’m stuck thinking about stuff I was considering junior year. Ummm… thinking about how we’re all interdependent and connected and umm … and how none of us can exist without each other. Ummm as much as people do end up existing umm without people they still exist with plants and animals that evolved together.

Umm I’m thinking about blogging and the same thing its interesting, but ummm as much as the internet is isolatatory blogging is a direct response to that ment to bring people together into webs and networks and become interdependent in someways … umm my weblog … or my eJournal doesn’t exist without the others around it. Its my own its my own thing given that ummm I pull from Tommy’s and Shawn’s at times and Dana’s also my freshman friend and (exhale) even RuPaul’s weblog which is wonderful.

(The phone ran out of memory at this point)

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