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Local Cares vs. Global Cares

by nickb on February 22nd, 2003

Okay, so I had an interesting idea about the news.

Why should I care that 90-some people in New Hampshire died in a fire in a club? So what? Now we’re going to go through this whole deal of what is needed in clubs, of course this story made the news only because of the Chicago trampling.

But seriously, the media is just out to scare us all and get us to tune in. I believe this is the problem with corporate media — not money per se, but a desire to get us to tune into the newscast or buy their newspaper or magazine. Its not the money directly but the necessity that they feel the need to be watched or read. Thus they distort whats out there to get our eyeballs.

Fundamentally I see this as irresponsible journalism. Journalists should seek to inform not to be watched. This is a fundamental paradox of news in this country. Its gotta be paid for but it has a public responsibility. Maybe we need to go back to the days of news being a loss leader. News for news’s sake, just like art for art’s sake.

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