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Snow’s Nexus

by nickb on February 24th, 2003

I just drove to school from work, to use the computer. (My laptop is still in Tennessee, but is now fixed and awaiting shipping back to me, and my server at home sucks.)

Its snowing in the wonderful state of Ohio right now. And luckily not too many people were on the road so I fiddled with putting my high beams on in my car.

I was instantly struck with the feeling of speeding through space pretending to be Captain Picard (except I didn’t have my needle and thread) I found it quite mesmerizing staring into the void of rushing snowflakes in front of me. Knowing that they wouldn’t hit me but would instead just zip past my windshield, missing me.

Often I’m am an anti technologist when it comes to enjoying nature. Give me a simple camera, boots and just warm clothing and I’m happy enjoying the outside, but every once in a while, I’m amazed to see how technology changes and enhances/distorts our reality into becoming something more interesting.

Nature and science need to work together, because they are both from the same root of play and exploration, just in differently organized ways.

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