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To Whom it May Concern

by nickb on February 24th, 2003

I unhesitantly and without any reservations recommend Shawn Walker as a potential boyfriend and husband.

He ranks as on of the most unique, interesting, kind-hearted, insightful, and self-less people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

All I ask is that you bestow as much kindness and care on him as he bestows on you.

If you happen to be the man with whom he clicks with and you click with him, hold onto him and cherish your time with him; he is one in a million and your chances of running into one of the other 200 some in this country are slim to none.

Reflexively you could also be that special person for him or not – that person is out there and see if Shawn is that person. If he is not do both of you the favor by moving on, it is the best thing you can do for your psyche.

I wish you the best of luck and remember take care of him, he is a very special person.

With care and respect,
Nicholas Barnard

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