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Compulsive Morals

by nickb on March 31st, 2003

I often wonder who reads this. I point people to it every once in a while because well, it contains my thoughts, and why repeat myself continuously?

I just found out tonight from a friend that someone who I have an intense dislike for (if you have questions about who, read January’s archives) reads this in an office compulsively. Why? Because I’m told he’s paranoid about it.

Jesus, some people need a life, honestly, if your reading this just to see if I say something about you your a fucking narcissist. To that person, you don’t matter to me, grow up and move on. If you haven’t noticed I’ven’t said anything about you since the end of January, and I’ve only mentioned the organization that we were both part of a few times.

Some people seem to think that they’re the center of the world. Now, I comically say that I’m the center of the world (well because I am! ;-) but I honestly don’t believe it. I went to the Human Race today to see Proof , and there was this old fart of a woman behind me who wouldn’t shut up as the lights went down, I had to turn around and shh her then ask her to be quiet, now I’m the youngin (in this theatre at least) so I should be the one being asked to be quiet, not the other way around.

In other news, I got accused of spreading a rumor in an earlier entry just today. Now what about timeliness. If that person had asked me to take their name off at that time, I would’ve, and I just did today without being asked. It does raise an interesting ethical question, what is fair game to be mentioned in here and what is not?

I’m not quite sure where to draw the line. There are definitely things that I don’t just tell everyone, but I’m on the very open side about things. The Private eJournal only has seven entries in two months of use, and a few of those are only in there because I didn’t want to incur someone else’s wrath. (To the previously mentioned “that person”, no your not mentioned in the Private eJournal) Those are really things that I wouldn’t want an employer to see. (I mean really, look at the last entry, if I took that much time writing about defecating, don’t you think anything could go in here?)

In general anything goes in here, I leave sex out because well thats private, it needs to stay in the bedroom, and while my laptop does get in my bedroom, its off when THAT happens.

So the morals of my rants are:

  1. I am the center of the world, tough shit if you think otherwise, if you think you matter to me you might not.
  2. Shut the fuck up in the theatre, even if your older that 55 it doesn’t give you carte blanche to speak.
  3. There are limits for the eJournal
  4. My iBook has either been protected or deprived from threesomes, take your pick.

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