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Furtive Relaxing

by nickb on April 2nd, 2003

I’ve been just meandering the past two days.. I’ve been off work from 10:30pm Monday through today, Wednesday at 6pm. Its a nice time. I’ve done some programming, finally, finally, finally gotten the apartment clean, and I’ve helped Mike out with moving. I’ve gotten the stuff to dye my hair blue, and I’ve done a good deal of web browsing too.

I visited the White Ribbon Campaign, a site about gay teen suicide. I also read about Robbie Kirkland and Bill Clayton. Stories like this and knowing people like my Freshman Friend are the reason I’ve done the work I’ve done with PFlag Dayton and Lambda Union. Instead both of these organizations seemed bogged down by bureaucratic stifling and top down command structures.

I’ve been reading a lot of Margaret Wheatley‘s work. She has a much more organic view of organizations than the mechanistic view that is so prevalent today. I’d like to look at it more, but I think this is the reason ACT UP was so successful. There wasn’t a leader, everyone was equal more or less with only leaders by mutual consent. For that matter al Qaeda is successful for the same reason.

Okay a segue. I wish Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was still on the air, I think it gives a view of what being an underdog and a terrorist was like. I fundamentally have a hard time condemning terrorists out of hand like everyone else. To be brought to the need to kill people and cause destruction to get your point across you must have been ignored.

Okay and back. I need to find organizations that are more like the ones Wheatley describes. While I can and have navigated the dang mechanistic hierarchical system, and can set it up, I do not think I work well in them, I’m too much of an individualist and an independent thinker.

Well, thats it for today…

Oh, BTW, I started a WebLog, and if your wondering what the difference between a WebLog and an eJournal is look at Blog vs. eJournal.

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