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by Nicholas Barnard on April 5th, 2003

Okay, I’ve still got brown hair. Bummer. I’ve just been sortta busy. Been spending some time with Mike getting caught up and getting things figured out with Mike, he’s moving in, and since we’ve been friends things should be good with him moving in the apartment.

I went to work wearing my goofy hat that I got from Disney World. I expected a bit more of a response to me doing something strange like that, but my co-workers didn’t do anything abnormal. Tells me something about a disjunct between how I perceive myself and how others perceive me.

Hmmmmmmm. I’m not sure how the blue hair will go over. I know my mom won’t like it, but thats to be expected.

What I’m doing is pushing an eccentricity and see what I come up with. I’ve been working on placing other’s opinions in their place, giving them the weight they deserve and none more. All this stuff that other people care about are less important to me. I neither want to conform or be an alternate boi because that is conforming. this is why goth and alternative movements are disturbing, people are still trying to conform, just to something different. Why not think for themselves is that too much to ask?

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