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Reading between the lines

by nickb on April 21st, 2003

You know your a philosophy geek when your running around getting things together to go to work and you scream “Where’s my Epictetus!” (Yes, true story)

I was looking for advice to give to one of my obsessive readers who “hates” me. Mind you at this point its been about two and a half months since I’ve seen him on a regular basis. (Although for some reason I do write eJournal entries for him, guess its like an open letter.) So he’s causing himself stress not me. Guess he’s like the donkey who just likes to complain and moan.

But to the Epictetus!

“…when someone irritates you be aware that what irritates you is your own belief most importantly therefore, try not to be carried away by appearance, since if you once gain time and delay you will control yourself more easily.” (#20 Handbook of Epictetus)

Sigh. Why does this person cause me to write about him? He doesn’t stress me anymore, in fact usually I get a good laugh out of him. I dunno why. Perhaps though its that he’s so uptight that his colon is twisting around in and upon itself (Gimme a break I’m having metaphoritis, they’re all infected and crappy right now. Hmmmm maybe a simile?) He is as uptight as a person with an impacted bowel. (for the medical terminology impaired thats a backup of shit, and to take care of this they put you under and the doctor takes forceps and pulls the shit out… Fun eh? No I’ve never had constipation that bad.)

But the moral of my ramble once again is that life is what you make it, either yell and scream about someone who doesn’t affect you or let it go and obtain inner peace (or just become a Buddhist which includes this advice and more.)

Well that your philosophy lesson for today, stay tuned here for more engaging diatribes!

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