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Dating Fears

by nickb on April 27th, 2003

I made a mistake. I put myself on a self imposed moratorium on dating, and forgot to set some time to end it.

I don’t know if now is the time. It would be nice to date, but I’m not sure if I want to fool with it.

Kathy at work has a friend shes going to hook me up with. I made the mistake of asking her (in sloppy confused sign language none the less) to find me a boyfriend. I guess since work has kicked me off of six day weeks, I’ve got time to date, in comparison to my crazy 48-60 hour work weeks I’ve been doing. I talked with David, online and he said "take it VERY easy." I’m just not sure if I know how to do that. Jimmity crickets.. I think I need to take DAT097 remedial dating.. I think they should offer that in school… hmmm what would DAT399 be then? How to navigate the confusing waters of polygamy?

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