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by nickb on April 27th, 2003

There is an amazing amount of lunacy with this Iraq war brouhaha.

First off. I have friends over there, and I’m of draft age. Its not something thats impersonal and completely removed from myself.

Second, Where the fuck are the Weapons of Mass Destruction? At the moment there are no confirmed stores of them, and only one or two possibilities. Given the way the Bush administration made this out to be the country was brimming with Weapons of Mass Destruction, we’re something like a month into this and we still haven’t found a confirmed store of WMD’s. Bush killed over 100 Americans and many more Iraqi’s for what?

Thirdly, I’m not even going to be happy till Bush, Rumsfeld, and Wolfwitz are out of office and sitting securely in a jail somewhere, charged with something, perhaps lying to the American people or manslaughter? I used to secretly hope that someone would have the common sense and absence of a desire for self-preservation and assassinate the whole lot. Now, I’m not convinced that this would be an appropriate punishment for them. Given that I happen to believe that once your dead, your dead, there would be no misery for them or anything. If their the christian version of heaven and hell are correct I would be happy with an assassination, because I’d be assured they would go to hell.

I wonder if the Secret Service releases the number of death threats received against the President? I wonder if they’ve gone up any since Bush has been in office. It would be an interesting figure.

Well onto programming this SpamFolderManager. Not sure if thats the right name for the program, but its a descent working name. If anyone has a better suggestion drop me an email.

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