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Shaved Legs

by nickb on April 27th, 2003

What is it about guys with shaved legs being so hot? I’m sitting at Starbucks and there’s this guy with shaved legs. Now he’s hot, but he’s so much hotter because he has shaved legs… I just get a thrill out of it..

Geeze.. its bad but half of the reason I come to Starbucks in the evening is to look at the hot boi’s.

Okay back to shaved legs. I know that shaved body parts feel vulnerable, interesting and feminine to a point. Although I know straight guys who shave their legs. (mostly for athletic competitions)

Of course the large question is why do people find sexy what they find sexy. I doubt all of it is marketing, because they have to play what people already naturally find sexy… Sigh.. this is too big a subject for me at the moment, and I’m still procrastinating on programming… okay.. now to programming….

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