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Intersections, Tilex, and Selfness

by nickb on May 3rd, 2003

What is the relationship between the arts and science?

At first glance nothing or very little but lets look at the list.

  1. Intelligent people who are able to see how their work fits into the gestalt of their field.
  2. Long arduous often minimally fulfilling tasks and drudgery often followed by huge breakthroughs.
  3. Far reaching intelligence in specific areas.
  4. A willingness and requirement to fail.
  5. Recognition of the role of the self and individual biases and beliefs and how those affect their work.

I’m not sure where I fall in all this. I consider myself a scientist-artist-philosopher, so long as it has nothing to do with dogma. Everything should be proven with in the current structure of the paradigm in which it exists holding onto dead ideas is not beneficial to creating progress. all these ideas must be recognized as intrinsically linked from the time in which it was created.

The exception to this is great art/science/philosophy. Something that is great will permanently transcend the time in which it was created.

This is a problem with some religions. They have failed to adapt and be a living vibrant belief system. People still see things through their old lenses, that are several thousand years old, cracked and held together with elaborate lacquers. There is an unwillingness to knock the old paradigm out and replace it with a new paradigm.

This is not to say that all religions are stuck, some honestly struggle with reinterpreting their teachings to fit into today’s world.

I wont name names but why follow a religion that refuses to be relevant to today?

So here’s the personal dilemma, how am relevant to today’s world. I felt more relevant when I was at WSU because I was getting a lot done, I was important to people; things and people were dependent on me.

But I’m not sure that I was relevant within the time. I filled a role, was a cog in the machine. I’m not sure that I was linked into the world, that I was relevant to it, intrinsically linked to it by more than time and space.

Lambda/WSU/Theatre was overly easy to leave, almost too much so as if I was doing complex contortions to fit in to be relevant.

Its strange but I feel much more me, free of any confining and debilitating mold. (as in a form, not the bluish green stuff.) I’ve been able to say fuck what the world and others think of me. If they don’t like my purple/blue/pink/bleach blond hair that is their problem not mine.

It is worrisome that I feel that somehow I’m placing myself in a group to be a future victim of a neo-McCarthyisit.

I wonder if the FBI has a file on me?

You know, I sort of threaten the status quo. I get interesting comments of hate against me for who I am. It worries and frustrates people that I don’t give a flying fuck what they think. People at work have been prognosticating at work that my hair will fall out because I’ve been dying my hair.

Of course I’ve also gotten approval from many people, but they seem truly happy for me, not that faux polite shit.

Which reminds me of a story. A FtoM transsexual told the story of a woman at his call center job who was old and presumably conservative that mad a point of stating “I’m happy for you and this is better for you” or something similar when he finally crossed over.

I’m happy with where I’m going, unfortunately it seems to threaten some people and its discouraging that they are not secure in themselves to feel non-threatened by me.

Because I’m different I shouldn’t be a threat, it should be celebrated.

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