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We are living in a Material World and I am a Material Boi

by nickb on May 17th, 2003

I never thought I was too material of a person. I never wanted to own something to own it. It all seemed very utilitarian. I needed somewhere to put my TV, VCR, Stereo, and TiVo. (Which were all gifts from family or hand me downs.) I wanted a kitchen table so I had somewhere to eat besides in front of the television, so I bought a kitchen table. I get books to read and think about, but all in all it didn’t seem like I owned too much stuff.

Then, I moved.

Now it seems like I have WAAAAAAAAAY too much stuff. I don’t want to get rid of it all, some of it I’ll sell, and some of it I’ll pitch. (That which isn’t worth the time to sell, because I doubt anyone will buy it off of eBay.)

Hmm… I’m sure I’ll have more meditations on the meaning of too much stuff later, but right now I need to go unpack. ;-)

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