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Feline Wedding

by nickb on May 23rd, 2003

I think having cats is a lot like having a ideal boyfriend. They’re they’re there looking wantingly at you when you first get home, they always want more of the bed when your sleeping, and they’re great cuddlers.

Of course, they also need TLC at times when its inconvenient for you, but all in all its a give and take.

With the exceptions of good sex and intelligent conversation they satisfy most of my needs for a boyfriend, at least to a minimally acceptable extent. In addition there is no bullshitting when they’re happy or unhappy… They’re happy and they start purring, they’re angry, and you get clawed to death.

There’s gotta be something more to marriage and a good relationship than just fulfilling needs. If I went around and proposed to marry every person and thing that fulfilled my needs, I’d be convicted of polygamy to several Starbucks, none to many restaurants, and a Krogers or two.

Marriage, and relationships leading to marriage really have to mean something, but I admit, I don’t really know, because I’ve not been there. Society recognizes it, and we’ve got 1049 federal laws to codify our recognition.

Why the hell do people get married in a drive through in Los Vegas? If its something thats so special, shouldn’t it merit more than the same architectural feature than as where you get your Big Mac and French (not Freedom) Fries?

Here is my conundrum.

I’m invited to a wedding of a high school acquaintance, it just happens though that my sister is friends with her. She’s two years younger than me. Plus, the her and the guy she is marrying don’t really get along that well.

The way my sister describes it is all about the show and having a picture perfect wedding for her. I’ve only been to one other wedding and I had really strange hair similar to this, but it was about having a nice wedding for the bride and groom.

My sister and I have already discussed when the divorce between them is going to be, my sister thinks it’ll be in 18 months, I’ll give it 24. Most of the bride’s friends think the same thing, just varying on how many months it will take them to file, but not if they will file.

So I’ve been debating if I should go to the wedding. If they truly loved each other and they would be good for each other I’d go. But as it stands, the whole fucking thing is making a mockery of what a wedding should be about: love, life long commitment, sharing, and support. This wedding only satisfies at best two of these four things.

So should I support this disparagement of an institution I have no ability to partake in myself? The bride is making a mockery of everything I hold dear in a relationship. God dammit she’s only 19 or 20, how can you make a commitment at this point that should last you for 60 years? When I was 20 (not too long ago) I had issues deciding on and committing to my major in school, a trivial matter compared to marriage.

I want to wish her well, but I’ve gotta be honest to her; this isn’t what I can in my heart support. If its the real thing she can wait till she is 22 or 23, its not going away. But if its not the real thing, then she’s saved herself a mistake.

So I’m not going to this wedding. And I’ll stick to my commitment ceremony and civil unions thank you, if marriage is going to be pooped on like this.

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