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College Wishlist

by nickb on June 1st, 2003

I’ve had this floating around in my pile of papers for a while, but I’m gonna put it here..

Things I want from a College

  1. GLB Studies (Look in Soc Department/Women Studies too)
  2. Strong Philosophy Department – esp. Technology Philosophy
  3. Strong Journalism School
  4. Diverse Science Program
  5. Active Student Body
  6. Primarily Residential Campus
  7. Ability to take classes over a wide area of fields. (No blocks)
  8. Theatre Department???
  9. Organizational Theory???
  10. Not a Party School
  11. "Inspirational campus"
  12. Rich Theatrical Arts in the area
  13. Value of intellectualism over careerism
  14. Art Department Open
  15. Damn far away from home

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