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by nickb on June 1st, 2003

It’s been a day of false starts. I started writing an eJournal entry after I read a personal piece written by a 9-11 widow. it wandered through my day on 9-11-01. I then attempted to write another chapter of the mythical book. Both of them were pure crap. I think I’ve made turds with less crap content.

I think the most likely reason is that I’ve gotten too little sleep. I spent last night building out the last inch of the Internet at my Dad’s house, deploying a router, and a wireless hub acting as a bridge. Earlier in the week I rewired the entertainment center. So far this week I’ve been a wire happy person; you name it I can wire it up.

I’ve built ethernet cables, designed wiring schematics, and installed software networking solutions.

I also hacked out a few letters, unpacked a box or two and got some organizing done.

Its been a lot of fricking grudge work.

My brain is fried. I have just about an hour till I leave work then I should be in bed soon after that.

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