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3-Way Life

by nickb on June 16th, 2003

Robbie just quite work about 15 minutes ago. Hes got a better job. He graduated from college Saturday. A lot of people from my Upper School Class graduated from college recently. (Assuming they were good boys and girls and were on the four year plan.)

I feel live I’ve gone nowhere. I’ve not gotten any of my personal tasks done. My website has stagnated (just moved it to a new domain, thats all.)

I’ve blamed some of it on my new work schedule. (I’ve filled the paper to redo it back to overnights.) Some of this can relate back to moving. Moving wastes a lot of time getting back to where you were, and I’ve wasted more than the average person over the past two years. (I’ve had six addresses in two years, its a wonder the post office can find me.)

I know I’m a production addict. When I have the highest content production rate, I’m thrillingly content, but I can only keep that up for so long until I collapse into unproductive exhaustion. I’m not quite a switch, but perhaps a 3-way bulb, the brightest setting is the shortest because it uses all the filaments the bulb has.

So I gotta get going again. Start moving forward. (Like you can actually move backwards in life – you can’t you just repeat yourself. We perceive time as linear despite our dances to the contrary.

I gotta keep reminding myself I’m not on a path that looks like the others around me, so I’ve gotta figure this out on my own, and hopefully I don’t blow too many more filaments.

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