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Philo Off

by nickb on July 2nd, 2003

I was a participant in what many people would call a piss off fest today at work.

What was I doing to start this brouhaha? Getting naked at work? (No, although there are enough cute boys who I wouldn’t mind spending more private time with.) did I yell fire at the top of my lungs? (Nope, thats illegal although some could argue that it infringes on my right to free speech.) No, I was explaining someone else’s philosophical argument, specifically that of Bill Irvine’s in The Politics of Parenting.

His book advocates many things which by many American’s standards are “wrong.” So I wasn’t really me who was pissing my coworkers off but instead it was Bill Irvine.

I re-realized something during the argument though — I like pissing people off, especially when its from an extreme philosophical/political position. It makes me feel more comfortable about the choice philosophy for my major when I go back to school.

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