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Heard some geeky music?

by nickb on July 4th, 2003

I spent a good chunk of the morning creating the What I’m Hearing section of my website. A totally narcissistic and geeky section of my webpage, but I must say I like it, and I did learn a good deal about PHP and CSS.

I think I’ve been focusing on computer stuff because I’m either lazy or insecure with what I’ve written recently. I’ve got at least three eJournal entries that I need to get typed and here. (They’re written just not typed.)

I have also decided to focus more on Philosophy than writing. I think I’m a decent writer (perhaps even good?) but fiction is a field that I have no skill in. I like writing about whats on my mind and what has been pissing me off recently, but I can’t pull stuff out of my ass. (Okay one exception.)

Its sleep time. No more new songs for a bit.

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