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Cute Curious Truth

by nickb on July 10th, 2003

I don’t know what the fuck I just did. I just took some time off work to go eat at Denny’s and write. I’m strange thats for sure.

NB: The manger is cute and the server is intriguing – Dang – My internal needing to have sex clock has gone off… lol

I’ve been waiting for A to call me. He’s a closeted bisexual guy at work. I’ve called him once and emailed him – talking to him once a week, when I see him at work, isn’t frequent enough. He’s told me he likes me.

Damn, I can’t just wait and take things slow – Its not in my nature it seems. I either procrastinate or do things really, really fast.

I’m stuck wondering who reads this? I know A does. Tommy does. Brian has read it. Does Shawn? Does Steven Johnson? (I wish) Does Phil? Does Jordan? Does Dave? (He’s commented)

Of course a bigger and better question is why the fuck do I care?

I’ve proclaimed previously that I write this for me, but I’m intimately conscious that it gets read by others. Its one of those things though that I’ve had to learn. I’ve made the mistakes of putting people’s names in here in a bad light. I’ve also conducted breakup fights over eJournals/Blogs.

I honestly like those entries, they’re raw, true. There is no bullshitting going around in them. No calculated political thoughts about who I’ll piss off and what they’ll think and how to backhandedly slap someone.

I agree with George Carlin, there is too much euphemistic bullshit language that just cloaks and diminishes meaning. Its all fine and dandy when its done for a good laugh though.

People should say what they mean and mean what they say. Can you imagine how much more vibrant and honest political discourse would be if you just put it out there?

It of course wouldn’t be kinder and people would get in a tizzy and there would be more murders/assassinations, but isn’t this worth it for some honest discourse? Probably. (No!! Fuck I just did it, again — see? Even when talking about honesty I get into that political bullshitting mode.) Yes. I’d choose greater honesty at the expense of a few lives.

So let me start here:

  1. President Bush is a fricking idiot and should be impeached as soon as possible for the good of the country and the good of the world. I watched him today doing the exact spin bullshitting that I so despise. Yes, Clinton did the same thing too, but he was talking about trivial things compared to what Bush has been going on about.
  2. Gay men need to stop worrying about getting their fucks so much and think about relationships, if we ever really want to be seen as “normal” and equal in society. A bunch of 25-35+ men acting like horny teenagers is embarrassing to the whole concept of gay rights. If you want gay marriage stop acting like a horny promiscuous teenager. If you don’t give a shit, go and do what you please, just don’t be a hippocrite by joining the HRC and Lambda Legal — They advocate for gay marriage, etc…
  3. Everyone has the right to say whatever the hell they want. (save shouting fire in a theatre and similar things, that endangers others.) If Michael Savage wants to go on and on with his anti-gay comments so be it. He should just expect the gay activists to complain, they’re not silencing him per se just applying pressure to remove him from a venue. If he really wants to say it let him purchase the airtime, until he does that he’s a pawn of MSNBC. TOUGH SHIT!

Okay thats it for now. I’m bitched out and I need to start wandering back to work. But one more comment. I feel good about this, its my truth. I wish I could write fiction from this point of view, but it ends up being more like thinly veiled non-fiction.

Oh, one more honest point. A call me because well I’m getting impatient.

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